Thursday, October 28, 2004

Who He?


Didn't get a chance yesterday to properly introduce myself or to talk about why I am writing these blogs. I'm writing mainly for me as a kind of diary. The last time I tried to write a diary I kept it up for just two weeks, and most of that was spent calling my girlfriend a whore. This is particulary remarkable as she isn't even remotely slutty - well, she is, but not in a bad way - so it says more about me than it does about her. I mean, if there were to be a Whore Oscars ceremony, she wouldn't even get a nomination. She'd be Plan 9 From Outer Space, compared with Abi Titmuss's Lord of the Rings.

If anyone else gets any pleasure out of my posts, that's cool. I doubt what I have to say will be of very much interest to most people, but it'll be good practise for me to write more often. I'd like to think I could be a writer; I can certainly spin an interesting yarn or two when I want to. The trouble is that I'm very lazy. I can think of lots of exciting plot lines and characters, but when it comes to getting them down on paper, I just stop short. As soon as it gets difficult I have a tendency to stick the Playstation 2 on or play a bit of Championship Manager (currently setting fire to the Premiership as Man Utd. I'm not a fan, but I'm getting so sick of coming mid-table with a below par Arsenal that I felt like a change.) I used to write reviews for, the website where you rate products and get paid a penny or so for ever person that reads your article. I made a few quid on that, about thirty or so, but again I grew weary of the work it consisted of to get paid a lot more. It's a problem that needs solving. The chances of me writing one film or article and getting paid enough for it to retire on are pretty slim. Still, perhaps this can prevoke me into writing a little better.

Oh, and if you don't think my style is particularly suited to being a writer that's because the way I'm writing now is more of a stream of conciousness now rather than how I typically write. I can sometimes be rather good. At least now I've covered my arse if people think the writing on here is like somebody really DID chain a monkey to a typewriter for a thousand years.

Must go now, Thursday's here and I'm done with university for the weekend. I'm off to go listen to some Robert Elms and maybe have a bath or two.

By the way, her name was Anya and she's a Fine Art student. We're hoping to go for a drink sometime this weekend.